story.txt integration

  1. Importing story.txt stories
    1. Embedded story.txt
    2. Resource-based story.txt import
  2. Customizing the imported story
  3. Bindings

Importing story.txt stories

There are two ways of importing story.txt stories into story.kts files.

  1. Either by encoding the txt story directly in the kts file (embedded)
  2. Or by loading an external story.txt file (resource-based)

Importing a story.txt file allows you to modify it and get the best of both worlds. You are able to write your textual content and simple nodes using the story.txt format.

Embedded story.txt

The basic syntax is as follows:

This is my story
{Amazing!} 2

""" import {
    // Story block

The story block behaves in exactly the same way as a regular story block. The story is initialized with all of the data provided in the string, and the story block allows you to fully customize everything.

Resource-based story.txt import

This method has a few things you need to keep in mind:

  • You will need to call loadResources() before importing anything
  • The engine has to support resources

Let’s say that we have two stories organized like this:

+- resources
|   +- myfile.story.txt
+- amazing.story.kts

The syntax is as follows, in the amazing.story.kts file:

importTxt(resources["myfile.story.txt"]) {
    // Story block

Customizing the imported story

So far, you have seen how to create nodes and modify them through their blocks.

However, the syntax you know always creates a node. Here, the nodes already exist, we only want to add some more content to them.

We can access a node and modify its content with the inNode function:

This is my first node... Now, how do I go to the second one?

A complete mystery!

Wow! How did you do that?!
""" import {
    inNode(1) {
        option { "Hm... I wonder..." } goesTo { 2 }

The inNode function retrieves a node that already exists and runs the node block on it. Here, we are creating an option in this way. inNode can also be used on string IDs. You can do everything you already could do in regular node blocks.


You can automatically get some values replaced in your file.

The story.txt format does not support variables, but story.kts does. In order to merge both worlds, you need to define bindings. Bindings simply replace every instance of a string by a value which is entirely customizable.

var aVariable = 10

This is %myVariable!
{Go to 2} 2

""" import {
    inNode(1) {
        bind("%myVariable" to { aVariable })

The bind function supports specifying multiple bindings at the same time:

bind("%something" to { "something else" }, "yes" to { "no" }, "maybe" to {"assuredly"})

Note that bindings modify the body of nodes. Make sure you apply bindings after all modifications you make to bodies.

You can also use inAllNodes to apply a node block to all nodes in a story. This is very useful for defining story-wide bindings.

Replace me! Replace me!

Replace me! Again!

Replace me! Yes! Replace me!
""" import {
    inAllNodes {
        bind("Replace me!" to {"Replaced!"})